How does natural Chinese medicine work in relation to serious health conditions like stage 3 renal failure?
According to, acupuncture can actually improve renal function, even once it gets to stage 3. The author of the article does include the caveat that this should not be considered the only treatment, however. Still, this is good news, if accurate!
I am not certain of the credentials of this site, and am currently on a 'live chat' with them, trying to find out. The person is too busy trying to find out about me to bother answering my question about the site's validity, which is quite bothersome. The "About Us" page simply explains how helpful the site is to users. It is only as useful as it is credible. Still waiting. When I switched pages I lost the first person. Starting over with a new automatic chat.
They are in the US and Australia. There is an option to speak to an 'expert.' I have yet to reach anyone, 10 minutes later. But then again, it is just after 6 a.m. It is an automated pop-up block asking how they can help you. Although I did have a live person, once, asking for my information, before I accidentally lost them by switching pages within their site.
At any rate, the information sounds promising, and the website does look legitimate. I had hoped to find out more information before passing it on to my readers. But you can check it out and discern for yourselves.
In the end, it is really all about how our individual bodies respond to things, anyway, I've realized.
Enjoy this day - rain or shine, windy or still - it is another day to breathe in deeply the wonders of the earth and exhale the worries of yesterday.
'In the beginning' offers resources for those affected by organ transplants (donors, recipients, families, friends). Resources range from children's literature to medical reviews and include support networks. We wish to honor both living and cadaver donors and their families. This site also exists to share updates, reviews, and other stories regaling the medical community's efforts toward life-extending protocols.
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