Friday, June 28, 2013

Parsley Juice for Kidney Cleansing

I haven't tried this yet, but I plan to today or tomorrow. So far I have about 1/2 of the ingredients, and plan to pick up the rest today. It doesn't look too bad - in fact, it looks like it might be kind of good... the smoothie, anyway. :) If I can just get my blender to get that parsley nice and finely hidden in there...

Just updated link - hopefully it will work now. If not, just google superfoodprofiles and search for the Parsley Juice Kidney Cleansing Liver Detox! :) This is where it takes me: You are here: Home > Vegetables & Greens > Parsley > Parsley Juice for Kidney Cleansing and Liver Detoxification

Naturally, none of this is FDA approved. And you may want to check with your doc. I figure since I am not ingesting anything outright forbidden or known to harm myself, my kidney or interact with my meds (I've been doing this 20 years), I can go ahead and do it. If worse comes to worse, I see my nephrologist in a couple of weeks and she will know in a heartbeat by my labs.

I will let you know if I'm affected.

By the way. I also just began taking CoQ10. So.... who knows what great things might happen? :)

Let me know if you try it, and what you think! If you make any adustments to make it taste better, tell me that, too! I am big on texture...


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